Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Good post from Sinns of Attraction

On his blog, Sinn recently wrote a post that made me stop and think for a moment. It's titled "You're Not Special.." and no, it didn't make me feel AFC or anything like that. It simply comments on the fact that we are not unique little snowflakes, that while all people are different, our basic needs and attractions are the same from one person to another. Any problem I'm having has already been had many times over by other guys, and I KNOW that I will be able to find a solution. Other people have figured it out and so can I!

Anyway, the link to the post is here.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Sad state of american architecture

America has built some beautiful buildings in its history, and its train stations are no exception. I love Grand Central here in New York, it's majestic and breathtaking. But there are a lot of other train stations that were every bit as beautiful, but were torn down for a variety of stupid reasons. The following article shows pictures of them, and hopefully we'll learn to appreciate our train stations a little more in the future.

Click here!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

June 20 Mermaid Parade

So I didn't actually make it to the Mermaid Parade, but I've gone before and had a blast. Looking at these pictures makes me wish I had made it though.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

FR: Another one of my ridiculous car hook ups

This is totally weak. I basically only did this one because I'm in the middle of a personal boot camp right now and I need to rack up the numbers, also the girl was hot.

Another one of my ridiculous car hook up attempts.

I'm on my way home from work, I get stuck in traffic on Lake Shore Drive. I look over and there's this totally hot HB9 brunette short hair chick in a black sports car, blasting the hip hop.

(I roll my window down)
me: Excuse me!
HB9: Yeah? (rolls her window down a little)
me: Do you know how to get to O'Hare Airport?
HB9: You need to take 90/94.
me: Which way do you go?
HB9: You take 90/94 west, there should be signs...
(I notice she has Florida plates)
me: Are you from Florida?
(traffic starts to move)
HB9: Yes.
me: Can I get your number?
HB9: No.
(she drives off)

Um, another brick in my place I guess.

Work on:
I'll never get laid this way. I may also be the first guy to make it through week 4 of the SS boot camp without developing any rapport building skills. This is the last of the car hook up attempts for now.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

FR: Coffeeshop, April 19

Players: me + wing

Me and wing are sitting in the coffee shop looking at seduction literature on my laptop when 2 HB's walk in. HB7 brunette in black dress and HB8 short blonde hair and cat eye glasses. They sit down next to us and start surfing the internet on the public computer at the coffee shop. They appear to be googling for bars and clubs.

I notice EC from the HB brunette, she sits down across from us on the couches at the front of the coffee shop. I bust out 'Hi'. I go to the bathroom, when I come back he is engaging the 2 set, we find out that they are from Seattle, that they are actresses, I ask them about why they're in town (acting classes), how they like New York, which bars they went to so far, what they're doing that evening. I ask where they're staying. The HB8 lets it slip that they are staying with her boyfriend. Great. Then a mixed group comes in and meets the 2 - looks like the boyfriend and a group of his friends. We say nice to meet you and exit. We should have stayed in the set, I could tell from EC and body language the HB7 thought I was cute.

EC from the HB7, engaging convo with her. I'm getting better at noticing EC and IOI's from girls. I actually got quite a lot of that last night, we realistically could have persisted with this set because there was still one single girl, but we left, probably because we were already planning to bail for the bars.
I am getting good at saying 'hi' to cute girls without hesitation.

Work on:
No DHV, no C+F, no negs, we did not persist.

Saturday, March 21, 2009


I know, obligatory intro post. Basically, my name is Jason, I'm 21 and very unclear on how to attract women. I've read a lot about PUA companies, although I'm still in college and so do not really have much cash to spare at this time to buy products. A friend let me borrow a copy of his Mystery Method book, and it was good to actually see a system for meeting women, but I haven't really spent much time trying to apply those kinds of things to my life so far.

But I decided to create a blog to track my progress. I'm bad at keeping diaries, but maybe a blog would work.

I'm willing to read any advice that seems sound though. Here's a link to a post that's a couple years old called You attract who you are that sounded like good advice to me. If I find more I'll post later.